Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Information Security for ATM Machines †

Question: Discuss about the Information Security for ATM Machines. Answer: Automated teller machine: ATM or the automated Teller machines are designed in a way that the customer will need a personal identification number or PIN and a dedicated card to access their bank account using the ATM machine. For any ATM card the most important is the PIN number to secure the account. For every user the PIN number is different and encrypted and to secure the PIN number the customer needs to take care of some important factors: To keep the account and the money secure confidentiality is the major factor that the customer needs to take care of. The user must not leak the ATM PIN to anyone to secure the money. The user must not write the PIN on the back of the card or anywhere. User must stay away from the spam calls that asks for the customers account number because the bank personal does not ask the PIN of the customer (Bachu, 2017). Data integrity is a way of securing the data from the unauthorized people, so the data cannot be modified or changed in any circumstances. The customer always expects that no accidental changes reflect on the record of the transaction. The integrity must be secured because the transaction is performed directly using the customer account. If the integrity is not maintained, then it can affect the customer account. A proper trusted platform module is used to maintain the integrity of the ATM machines. The ATM machines should available all the time for the customers all time. The ATM must be maintained properly to serve the customer whenever needed. Use of more ATM will increase the growth of the bank economically. All the ATMs must be at operational condition and in serviceable condition most of the times. More the self-banking increase more the customer base of the bank will be increased. PIN Combinations: As mentioned in the scenario that the thief already blocked 5 keys out of the 10 keys on the number pad, if the user PIN is from the rest of the intact 5 keys which are not damaged then there will be lots of permutations and combinations if the thief wants to debit money from the account. the calculation is (5!)/ (5! -4!) = (5*4*3*2*1)/ 1 = 120 The thief needs to try 120 different combination to get the correct pin to withdraw money from the ATM. Biometric Sensors: Biometric sensors are the modern-day innovation and widely used for providing security to the people. Bio metric technology use human body detection technology for the authentication. Several types of bio metric sensors are introduced in the recent years like iris scanner, fingerprint scanner, voice recognition or heart beat detectors (Eberz et al., 2017). These mentioned sensors are the most secure as for every human the properties are different and unique, so the chances of duplicate data are so less even we can say there will be no duplicate data. As the duplicate data is not there so persons security will be at the optimum level (Oko Oruh, 2012). Though there are lots of advantages of using biometric technology many people still reluctant to use biometric technology. Many people think that the information is leaked from the biometric and many people thinks that the government are keeping their personal data. In the banks customers are not in favour of using the finger print sens ors as the ATM card is used by a people who is closer of the person and if the biometric is there then no one except the customer can use the card therefore people are still refusing this technology in many cases. The fear of the false negative result is another reason why the people are reluctant of using the bio metric sensors. False negative is when the machine cannot recognise the authenticated user and rejects them. The false negative works in different way it can se seen as a good thing as the trust in the technology in increases the trust on the users or the users feels irritated by the system failure. Problems of using Bio metric: False negative and false positive are the main major problem regarding the biometric sensors that the people needs to keep in their mind. When the biometric sensor accepts the wrong input as right then the condition is called false positive condition. When the biometric sensor rejects the correct input as false then the condition is called as false negative condition. Many peoples data got lost due to the false positive condition. In some cases, hackers try to bypass the fingerprint sensor if then false positive condition happen then the user will be on huge trouble as all the personal information will be on stake (Ketab, Clarke Dowland, 2016). The false positive can happen due to some technical fault or for some other issues. If the sensitivity of the biometric sensor increased, then these kinds of unwanted condition can be avoided. The people must register themselves to the biometric after reading all the instructions carefully. When the biometric scanner throw-outs the right material stating as incorrect called the false negative circumstance. This is more perilous than the incorrect positive condition. In case of a emergency if this error happens then the authorised person to whom the bio metric was assigned fails to detect the user. When this happen in a case of some serious situation then there is scope for the user to unlock the system. In case of any emergency this can cause major troubles to the organisation and hence the organisation faces many losses. This problem is a very common problem in the modern day smart phones which has a inbuit finger print sensor which is a form of the biometric sensor. Many a times it is seen that the biometric sensors rejects the data of the authenticated user, this can cause serious problems at the times of any emergency. Supposing in a situation someone needs to call an ambulance then the in a case of the emergency but the bio metric sensors in the phone are not worki ng and taking false negative input. These problems are caused due to various problems like the echinococcal issue , sensing power of the sensors, minor software bugs , sometimes the fault is not only of the technology but the user does not read the full instructions before registering themselves to the biometric a result the input was not recorded properly and resulted these cases (Katz Lindell,2014). These problems can easily be eradicated by updating the technology of the bio metric scanners, introducing of new technologies had already removed this problem a lot. Other than this while registering the user must properly read the instructions and do the same. Caeser Cipher: Inverse order is one of the relaxed and most humble technique for decoding a cipher text. Encoded message is inverted in this method to get the actual text. So if the encoded message is elpmaxenasisiht becomes this is an example. this system uses the most to decipher a cipher text. Though there are more safe techniques are there than this (Martinovic et al ., 2016). For the given cipher text to decipher, the steps are given below: First note down the alphabet number. Subtract the number of alphabet from the shift key in sequence, that is for number 1 letter 2, for the number 2 letter 3 and the number 3 letter 4 and continuing (Okokpujie et al., 2016). 3rd is to subtract the general digit which is used for any cypher key that is 3 from the previous solution. The final step is locating the alphabet from the solution number. Text N T J W K H X K numeric value 14 20 10 23 11 8 24 11 Key 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 substitution cipher 12 17 6 21 8 4 22 8 cipher shift 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 cipher 9 14 3 18 5 1 19 5 Text I N C R E A S E Text A M K value 1 13 11 Key 4 2 3 cipher 23 11 8 cipher 3 3 3 cipher 20 8 5 Text T H E Text W W U J J Y Z T X value 23 23 21 10 10 25 26 20 24 Key 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 cipher 19 21 21 6 8 22 22 18 21 cipher 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 cipher 16 18 18 3 5 19 19 15 18 Text P R R C E S S O R Text M W K X Z K U H E value 13 23 11 24 26 11 21 8 5 Key 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 cipher 9 21 8 20 24 8 17 6 2 cipher 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 cipher 6 18 5 17 21 5 14 3 Text F R E Q U E N C Y Therefore, the decrypted basic text for the cypher NTJWKHXK AMK WWUJYZTX MWK XZKUHE is Increase the processor frequency. References Bachu, S. (2017). Three-step authentication for ATMs. Eberz, S., Rasmussen, K. B., Lenders, V., Martinovic, I. (2017, April). Evaluating behavioral biometrics for continuous authentication: Challenges and metrics. 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